1. My Name is Nobody Review - The Spaghetti Western Database
22 nov 2019 · Nobody tells him that his name now will be written in history, and subsequently arranges a fake duel, so that he can take his place as the ...
# Jack Beauregard
2. My Name Is Nobody (Film) - TV Tropes
Grand Finale: Nobody believes a famous gunslinger can't simply go into retirement and absolutely has to have his career end in an epic and dramatic way. Hall ...
My Name Is Nobody (1973) is an Affectionate Parody of the Spaghetti Western, originally released in Italy as Il mio nome è Nessuno and starring Henry Fonda as an aging, legendary gunslinger named Jack Beauregard who wants nothing more …
3. My Name is Nobody | Western Wiki - Fandom
Nobody dogs Beauregard through the West, encountering many who wish him dead, and pesters him to let him stage a grand finale. Eventually, the grand shoot-out ...
My Name is Nobody (Italian: ''Il mio nome è Nessuno''), also known as Lonesome Gun, is a 1973 Spaghetti Western comedy film. The film was directed by Tonino Valerii and, in some scenes, by Sergio Leone.[3] It was written by Leone, Fulvio Morsella and Ernesto Gastaldi. Leone was also the uncredited executive producer. The cast includes Terence Hill, Henry Fonda, and Jean Martin.[4] The title of the movie alludes to the reply Odysseus gave when Polyphemus the Cyclops asked his name. [hide] *1 Plo
4. My Name is Nobody (1973): Terence Hill and Henry Fonda - 4 Star Films
8 sep 2022 · At once, seeming to jostle for the spotlight and dog the renowned fighter, and at the other end, trying to grow his acclaim. He wants people ...
For those familiar with the tales of Odysseus, My Name is Nobody earns its name from the witty trick the Greek hero uses to escape the Cyclops. However, the movie should draw more comparisons to th…
5. My Name Is Nobody (1973) - Movie Review : Alternate Ending
9 sep 2011 · On the other hand, Leone is sometimes credited with the so-called "urinal scene", which I'd prefer not to describe: it is put together with ...
My Name Is Nobody - Movie review by film critic Tim Brayton
6. My Name is Nobody Review by J.D. - The Spaghetti Western Database
15 mrt 2024 · The film stars the legendary Henry Fonda as Jack Beauregard, an aging expert gunfighter, who is eager to retire, and Terence Hill (real name Mario Girotti),
From The Spaghetti Western Database
7. My Name is Nobody (1973) - by Christopher Lloyd - Film Yap
5 aug 2012 · An aging gunman, Jack Beauregard (Henry Fonda), wants to make one last big score before hanging up his spurs and retiring to Europe.
By 1973, spaghetti Westerns had descended into comedy and sometimes even self-parody.
8. My Name is Nobody (1973) - Seldom Scene
About as much chance of that happening as of a monkeyleading armies against a Demon King……. Aside from the perfect casting of Terence Hill and Henry Fonda, My ...
9. My Name is Nobody | Movies | Terence Hill Official Website
However, a young, mysterious loner named Nobody (Terence Hill) tries his hardest to make the aging outlaw go out in a blaze of glory. Although Beauregard - said ...
Terence Hill Official Website.